



The mathematics and statistics program imparts problem-solving abilities and analytical skills through courses in pure mathematics, applied mathematics and statistics. 学生 learn to apply mathematical and statistical tools in many fields, from computer science 医学.


  • 精算师
  • 生物统计学家
  • 数据科学家
  • 金融分析师
  • 数学家
  • Secondary or postsecondary educator


Fun with Math Leads to Chat with Professor, Change in Major


For 山姆Formichella, coming to 南 was no surprise. 主修数学和数学 统计数据是.

The 十大彩票网投平台’s proximity to his hometown of Fairhope, Alabama, and his mother’s job in the 南’s Office of Academic Assessment made his higher 教育选择容易. As for a major, he started in electrical engineering, then 转到物理.

有一天,他联系了Dr. Armin Straub, an associate math professor, for help with a factoring problem involving primes and factorials. 他想解决这个问题 有趣的. “Prior to this, I had no knowledge of math other than as a tool to solve other 福米切拉说.

After that chat, “I began to understand that there’s all kinds of crazy stuff going on in math, and it’s just a load of 有趣的.”


“There’s all kinds of crazy stuff going on in math, and it’s just a load of 有趣的.”


他开始定期与布朗博士会面. Straub. He received a Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship (SURF) that resulted in his publishing a paper with the professor, “Gaussian Binomial Coefficients with Negative Arguments,” in Annals of Combinatorics. 和他 改主修数学.

“In the undergraduate math degree, you get a solid foundation with algebra, analysis — which is just a fancy word for calculus — and number theory,” Formichella said. 数论是他的最爱. “We’ve been using these whole numbers for thousands of years, and we’re still finding out things about them. 这怎么可能呢?”

After graduating, he moved to the Portland, Oregon, area and trained in software development. At some point, he’d like to further explore math in graduate school. 与此同时, he contents himself with textbooks and practice problems.

“For the near future,” he said, “I’m going to stick with programming. 这真的是 有趣的 and concrete way of using math, but it’s abstract enough to present similar problems. 到目前为止我玩得很开心.”


  • Math and stat majors benefit from research opportunities with faculty members and are eligible for departmental scholarships.
  • Majors participate in outreach activities such as the Mobile Math Circle, Girls in Math and the Mathematical Puzzle Program (MaPP) Challenge.
  • The Mathematics and Statistics Department holds weekly departmental colloquia for all faculty and students to keep up with advances in the field.



Dr. 玛杜丽Mulekar
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
(251) 460-6264

Curriculum and Degree Requirements

